This page features various video and audio clips related to "The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter". Check back often, as more clips will be added.
With "The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter" generating more and more interest in Christian publishing circles, Alan has been doing interviews with various media outlets. If you are interested in having Alan on your show to talk about this amazing book, please rach out via email to
Official video trailer for Alan Migliorato's new book "The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter".
Divine Intimacy Radio - Dan Burke and Stephanie Burke with special guest Alan Migliorato on his book “The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter”
Mater Dei Radio - Morning Drive inverview with Alan Migliorato, author of "The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter"
Kyle Heimann Show - Episode 650 - Alan Migliorato “The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter”
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 49 - Alan Migliorato “The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter”